Undergraduate Students
- Must be enrolled at Appalachian either part-time or full-time
- Are paid an hourly rate as a student temp
- Must at least be paid at current minimum wage**
- Salaries must include payroll deductions***
Graduate Students
Graduate students may be paid as a student temp or via a graduate assistantship.
Grad students paid as a student temp | Grad students paid via a graduate assistantship |
- Must be enrolled at Appalachian either part-time or full-time
- Are paid an hourly rate; minimum of $15.00 per hour**
- Must include payroll deductions***
| - Must be enrolled full-time at Appalachian and must qualify for an assistantship
- Must be paid minimum of $9,500 non-STEM positions ($10,500 for STEM field) per academic year (20 hours per week for 15 weeks per semester) or $1,800 per summer term (20 hours per week for 5 weeks)
- You should request higher salary amounts to off-set the cost of tuition and fees. We suggest a calendar year stipend of $27,000 to offset the total cost of attendance for an out-of-state student.
- Must include payroll deductions***
** Payment for students varies from department to department; you should consult your chair or undergraduate and graduate program directors in your department for what is acceptable and usual payment for student temps and graduate assistantships.
*** RE: Payroll Deductions/Fringe Benefits: Depending on the level of enrollment (minimum of 6 credit hours) a student may not be exempt from FICA and disability tax. Additionally, student workers are subject to income tax reporting and taxation. Lastly, student employees may now be eligible for health care benefits under the Affordable Care Act, depending on the total number hours worked in the UNC system; the fringe benefits rate listed here for students accounts for this possibility.
Enter the tuition (including out-of-state rate when appropriate) under Other Direct Costs unless instructed otherwise in the sponsor's guidelines.