Sponsored Programs
- Provides the authorized institutional signature for submissions to and awards from external sponsors, including contracts, collaborative agreements, etc;
- Negotiates terms and conditions of all externally funded project, service, or research agreements;
- Reviews, negotiates changes, and provides authorized signatures for Material Transfer Agreements (MTA), Data Use Agreements (DMA/RDMA), and Confidentiality Agreements (CDA);
- Serves as the official repository of grant submission and award documents;
- Prepares, negotiates, and signs subawards to collaborating agencies/organizations;
- Monitors programmatic project reporting and award management;
- Offers programs, templates, and online resources to assist both faculty and administrators with the development, internal review, submission, and award management for externally funded activities.
Sponsored Programs is located in the Office of Research and Innovation suite of rooms on the third floor of the John E. Thomas building (rooms 373-384).
- Office of Research and Innovation staff directory
- Find your department's contact person in Sponsored Programs
Institutional Data for Grant Forms
How To
- ASU Policy Manual
- Buy out
- Conflict of Interest at ASU and in the UNC system
- Export Controls
- External Professional Activities for Pay
- F&A
- Faculty Handbook
- Human Subjects, Payments, and Recruitment
- IP Transfer
- NSF Sexual Harassment Procedure
- Recombinant DNA
- Radiation Safety
- Responsible Conduct of Research
- Supplemental Pay
- UNCSO Masters/Policy
- Unmanned aircraft (Drones)