Sponsored Progams has created budget templates which will help you calculate items in your proposal budget accurately and appropriately (especially time and effort, fringe benefits, and F&A), even though sponsors will often require you to submit a budget in a format of their own choosing as well.
Form Title | Purpose | Version Date |
MTDC Template (Modified Total Direct Cost) (XLSX) | The MTDC template is the most commonly used template for federal grants and corporate sponsors. It calculates F&A on all costs with the exception of equipment over $5,000, capital expenditures, charges for patient care, rental costs of off-site facilities, participant support costs, student tuition remission, scholarships and fellowships, as well as that portion of each subaward in excess of $25,000. | As of 8/2/2024 |
NIH Template (National Institutes of Health) (XLSX) | The NIH template should be used for all NIH projects. It calculates F&A on all costs with the exception of equipment over $5,000, capital expenditures, charges for patient care, rental costs of off-site facilities, participant support costs, student tuition remission, scholarships and fellowships, as well as that portion of each subaward in excess of $25,000. | As of 8/2/2024 |
NSF Template (National Science Foundation) (XLSX) | The NSF template mirrors the budget categories on NSF's FastLane budget form. It calculates F&A on all costs with the exception of equipment over $5,000, capital expenditures, charges for patient care, rental costs of off-site facilities, participant support costs, student tuition remission, scholarships and fellowships, as well as that portion of each subaward in excess of $25,000. | As of 8/2/2024 |
TDC Template (Total Direct Costs) (XLSX) | The TDC template is used when F&A is being charged on all items in the budget. If you have a contract with a state agency, foundation, or non-profit agency, you will probably use this template. | As of 8/2/2024 |
General Tips for Using Budget Templates
- You need to save the template to your desktop first because the formulas in the cells are locked.
- List all faculty/ staff personnel at Appalachian and their current 9-month base salary (for faculty) or annual salary (for 12-month EPA Administrative and SPA personnel) on the worksheet tab for the current fiscal year, even if your first project year begins at a future point in time. Because the template includes formulas which automatically increase salaries by 3% each year, and the cells containing those formulas are locked, you cannot enter salary amounts for non-student Appalachian personnel on any but the first tab.
- The F&A rate is set to default to Appalachian's current negotiated rate. If the sponsor does not allow F&A, you may change this amount to 0. If the sponsor requires a reduced amount, enter that rate in place of Appalachian's current rate.
How To
- ASU Policy Manual
- Buy out
- Conflict of Interest at ASU and in the UNC system
- Export Controls
- External Professional Activities for Pay
- F&A
- Faculty Handbook
- Human Subjects, Payments, and Recruitment
- IP Transfer
- NSF Sexual Harassment Procedure
- Recombinant DNA
- Radiation Safety
- Responsible Conduct of Research
- Supplemental Pay
- UNCSO Masters/Policy
- Unmanned aircraft (Drones)