- The award budget is the financial expression of the project or program. Re-budgeting of these funds is subject to appropriate institutional review and approval processes.
- Sponsors often require prior approval for budget changes involving key personnel, contractual actions, foreign travel, and equipment. These high-risk areas mirror those that frequently require sponsor prior approval for overall project changes as well.
- Proposed revisions in sponsored project budgets should be submitted in writing to Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) for review of the terms and conditions of the award agreement and general cost principals. If the requested budget revision meets these standards, it will be completed.
- If required by the terms and conditions of the agreement, CGA, in conjunction with you the Principal Investigator (PI)/Project Director (PD), will submit the request for budget revision to the sponsor. Sponsor approval must be received to complete the budget revision.
- Budget revisions should be made in advance of affected expenditures.
How To
- ASU Policy Manual
- Buy out
- Conflict of Interest at ASU and in the UNC system
- Export Controls
- External Professional Activities for Pay
- F&A
- Faculty Handbook
- Human Subjects, Payments, and Recruitment
- IP Transfer
- NSF Sexual Harassment Procedure
- Recombinant DNA
- Radiation Safety
- Responsible Conduct of Research
- Supplemental Pay
- UNCSO Masters/Policy
- Unmanned aircraft (Drones)