- Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) is responsible for collecting funds from the sponsor.
- Each project, in its awarding document, has specific requirements for either billing the sponsor or drawing down funds from a designated web portal.
- Please note: If the sponsor is a private company or industry, Appalachian will require advance payments in the contract agreement.
- CGA staff will review all grant or contract expenditures for reasonableness prior to submitting the request for payment to the sponsor.
- In the event of sponsor non-payment of the invoice submitted, collection procedures (PDF) are invoked.
How To
- ASU Policy Manual
- Buy out
- Conflict of Interest at ASU and in the UNC system
- Export Controls
- External Professional Activities for Pay
- F&A
- Faculty Handbook
- Human Subjects, Payments, and Recruitment
- IP Transfer
- NSF Sexual Harassment Procedure
- Recombinant DNA
- Radiation Safety
- Responsible Conduct of Research
- Supplemental Pay
- UNCSO Masters/Policy
- Unmanned aircraft (Drones)